
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Saturday, May 1, 2010

There's Hope!!

This is Savannah updating today.
Annie (the Occupational Therapist) came in again this morning. The nurse said he had been awake for the last 2 hours and so we were a little worried he would be zonked for her again. But he did AWESOME!! She couldn't believe how much he had improved. She got him to take 40 ml and he was awake the whole time!!! Now, not to get any hopes up, but she acted like he should be out of here in at least 72 hours if he kept it up! What a relief. There is hope!! She called and talked to Dr. Edwards and they decided that instead of bottle feeding him just 3 times a day, we should now bottle feed him whenever (within 3 hours) he is awake and acting hungry. So we ended up feeding him about 6 times today. Also, after talking to the doctor and making that decision, she got us another boarding room to make it easier for us to be here for every feeding. So things are starting to look up! Kyle has become a champ at feeding him - he got him to do 30 ml at his last feeding!

Rocky is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Yes, I am very prideful :) He has been smiling up a storm today! I can see what all these moms mean when they say that after their first surgery, they're so sad because they're huge smile is gone. So true! He has got the biggest, most adorable smile I have seen. He's quite the little charmer, too! All the nurses have just fallen in love. One nurse has worked with a few cleft babies and she said that he is in the top 2 - maybe number 1 with his attitude and how he acts!

We are so proud of our little angel. He was definetely sent here to change lives, and he is doing a pretty darn good job of it! Again, thank you EVERYONE for all the support! It has made this, what could be a hardship, a huge blessing. We wish we could express our gratitude more ... Thank you for keeping Rocky in your prayers- love you all!

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