
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Thursday, June 9, 2011


Rocky is recovering SO fast! He is definitely a trooper. The minute we got home, he wanted to run around and play with all his toys. As long as he's got his pain medicine in him, he is golden!
He is also eating really well. He still doesn't want a bottle, but he's loving all the pudding,
jell-o, applesauce, yogurt, etc.
He slept 12 hours straight last night. (Which was great for ALL of us!) After we gave him his 3 medications ... :/ ... he ate Tons of applesauce and than played with his cousin. He's got to have an eye kept on him to make sure he doesn't stick anything in his mouth, but so far he's been good about it.

Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. We really do appreciate everyone that participates in Rocky's life. Now enjoy some pics :)

His cute hospital gown

Right after

He really enjoyed watching little videos of him.
1-When he was dancing on a toy fire truck.
2-Swinging with his cousin at the park
3-Playing peek-a-boo with mom

The beginning of a new day, and looking good!

Squeezing in cat naps before the nurses came in and touched him again. Haha

Taking a nice little walk outside

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Post op ... 4 hours

Well good news is we won't have to worry about scheduling another surgery for a while! Bad news ... Here come the sleepless nights and the 're-learning' of his good habits. Darnet. ;)
Both operations went well. He now has ear tubes, so we're hoping that means no more constant ear aches. They were also able to use his own muscles and tissue for his soft Palate! (yay!) He's been pretty out of it, waking up about every 2 minutes to let out a cry. But the morphine has been keeping him in the least pain as possible. And I DID get one of his 'oooo' faces out of him earlier. So things are lookin' up!
Something kind of interesting (and absolutely miserable) they did was stitched his tongue down, away from their work. Any kind of contact on that Palate can damage what was just done. So he's got two long stitches poking out of his mouth and attatched to his cheek. His nurse is shooting for tomorrow morning to have them snipped off. *crossing our fingers*
We will definitely be spending the night tonight. If he is off of his IV and is hydrated and eating ok on his own tomorrow, they'll release him Until then, we're stuck! Although every one of the staff here has been excellent, we don't want to stay here for too long. :)
Thanks everyone for your support and prayers! I'm sure Rocky is appreciating them right now. I will try and update again tomorrow. Good night!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Re-re-re-scheduled surgery

I admit, we have known about this re-schedule for about 2 weeks now. Buuuuut I am a slacker and forgot to post it :)
Instead of his surgery being tomorrow, it will be on the 7th. Just thought we would let you all know!