
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Coming Home! ... ??

Savannah updating again.

Today was another good day. We finally got to meet Dr. Johnson, his pediatrician. We were very impressed with him. (We also got in a few good laughs as he told us about the first time he googled "pigeon nipple" ... ) He was very optimistic and saying he wanted to get him out of the hospital by Sunday!! So hopefully, we can shoot for that and make it happen! Dr. Johnson will determine whether or not he will be coming home with the tube or not in the morning. I'm assuming he will end up coming home with it ... which is just fine. I would actually prefer to have it. So the nurses are training us up on how to insert it, make sure it's in the right spot, checking his residual, etc. I put it in this last time. Poor guy :( It's not the funnest thing for mom to be doing that to her little son.

Kyle and I have been just exhausted. Yes, we did get a boarding room, but that does mean that we are down feeding him every 3 hours. Since Kyle can't really take naps during the day, and I can sleep anytime, anywhere, we are switching off feedings. Kyle sleeps during the night and I go feed him at 11, 2 and 5, and than at 8 when he eats again, that's when Kyle starts to feed him and I sleep :).

His 2:00 feeding, he did awesome! He had 40 ml! I had been worried if he was ready to come home or not. I, of course, want him to be home with us, but I also want him to be ready and well enough. I've been praying asking for comfort and confidence, or to just have him stay for a couple more days. Well, I believe this was an answer to my prayers! He is ready.

He is doing so good. We are some proud parents!

--Also, he has been gaining weight! He had gained 8 grams tonight.

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