
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day #2

Well, last night was rough. He was awake from 11:00-2:00 last night and than woke up again at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. His pain seems to be ok, I think the lack of sleep is just a comfort issue. He would sleep as long as I was holding him last night, but as soon as I put him down he would wake up and his monitors would go off ... He is off of his I.V. (just as an experiment) to see if it will make him want to eat more. He ate 2 1/2 oz. last night and 2 this morning. Since he's off, they unhooked him from all the other monitors so we could go on a little walk this morning! That was nice, he was talking to me all down the hallways.

It is so heart-wrenching to have him like this. His eyes are so puffy and swollen, but when he does open them and look at me, I can tell he wants to tell me how he is feeling-he just "whimpers" and eventually gives up and falls asleep. He definetely has the desire to eat, he is just really sore. He will go at the bottle fast at first, and than cry because it's so different. I found that if you talk to him and encourage him, he does a lot better.

Last night, he was awake and talking to Kyle and I for a good hour. He is such a sweet boy. You can tell he has so much to say, and sometimes he does get it blurt out! Haha. Oh how we love him. Hopefully he doesn't remember any of this.


  1. WOW that is a big change. Glad he made it threw like a champ. It is great he is a baby. He won't remember but what he sees in pictures. Take care. He is so adorable

  2. He looks so good. I am a friend of Pam & Karissa's. My daughter had cleft pallet and I have a small idea of what you have been thru. Hang in there. Its so hard to see our little ones go thru these surgeries, but if it's some comfort, when I show our 3 yr. old her hospital pictures of when she went thru surgeries she has no memory and loves to hear the stories over and over of how we snuggled her before she got to ride in the red wagons.
    You guys are doing great and Rocky looks wonderful.
