
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Kyle was ordained an Elder today!! It was such a neat, bonding experience. My dad set him apart (Gerry is still gone at work). There were beautiful things said in his blessing. He is such a strength to me. The spirit he had with him afterwards was overwhelming! This has definitely not been an easy road for us, but things are finally starting to look up.

Since Rocky had been born, things have been moving along a lot faster and smoother -- as far as progress with the bishop goes. I can't believe i'm saying this ... but The next step is getting interviewed for temple recommends and than our sealing date!! I am soooo anxious to go to the temple. Ever since Rocky has been with us, my heart has just been jumping to get there. We are thinking of getting sealed and Rocky blessed the same weekend, shooting for the first weekend of July (Gerry will be home for a few days then). But nothing is set in stone yet, so no one go spreading any rumors. :) It might even be a month - month 1/2 because of how busy the temple is in the summer.

Rockys surgery is coming up in the next couple weeks, so we're doing what we can to keep him away from any sickness. The doctor won't give him anesthesia if he does, and it's near impossible to reschedule. So we didn't go to sacrament meeting today. Kyle talked to the bishop about it at his setting apart, and the young men came over after church to give us the sacrament. So that was a neat experience as well.

It is amazing how a little 8 lb. 21 inch little guy can bring such joy to a family. We are loving every minute of him ( ... well ... ALMOST every minute...) He has been acting like he's got acid reflex the past couple weeks, so he's been fussy pretty much anytime he's awake. And than all through the night. So that's been fun. ;)


  1. That is really awesome and exciting to hear you guys will be going through the temple soon, Max and I are really happy for you!

  2. That is wonderful. I can remember when we went to the temple with Miles. He was so small and sweet all dressed in white. Good luck with it all. Sorry about the Reflux We have been down that road with our kids. Praying that little Mylee does not get it. May all go well for you all in the up coming weeks.
