
First of all, a big thank you for visiting this website and for all of everyone's love and support, it means more to us then you know. This website is primarily to answer any questions a lot of you may have about cleft, and to keep you all up to date with Rocky. Please feel free to make comments and ask any questions.


Kyle, Savannah and Rocky


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Delivery

Day 1 - 04/22/2010
Savannah and I (Yes, Kyle is the maker of this blog! Believe it) found out just the night before that we would be delivering today! Savannah went in to crazy maternal mode and we got everything ready at home for our new addition. We were schedueled for a version (trying to turn the baby because he was breech) at 0530 so needless to say we didnt get any sleep. We were up at 0400 getting everything finalized and started off for the hospital at about 0500. When we got there they put us in a prep room and set up Savannah on an I.V. line and started her on fluid to keep her blood pressure from dropping if we ended up having to do a c section. Savannah headed in to the O.R. at 0730 and I was instructed to put on my "daddy clothes" and wait until they come and got me. At 0740 they said I should hurry and come in. They started the C section at 0743 and Rocky Kyle Fordham was officially born at 0748. It all went so fast! When asked how I liked watching the C section I said.... "well, I didn't feel sick or anything but if I was given the chance to re-live any moment in my life it would NOT be THAT one!" They stitched Savannah up and I got to go with the baby. I probably won't be this specific about everything else but this was the delivery so I think it's important to be detailed. Thanks and love you all!

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